Phalotris shawnella

Phalotris shawnella - Smith, Brouard & Cacciali, 2022 - (Colubridae) - Couleuvre, serpent

Coloration in life of Phalotris shawnella sp. nov.
A. Detail of the head of the holotype (CZPLT-H-594); B. Dorsolateral view of the holotype;
C. Juvenile topotype specimen, kept in captivity and which later escaped; D. Live specimen photographed at Colonia Volendam.
(A–C photographed by Jean-Paul Brouard, D photographed by Marko Fast).


  • Phalotris shawnella - Smith, Brouard & Cacciali. 2022
  • Phalotris shawnella - Paul Smith, Jean-Paul Brouard and Pier Cacciali, 2022
  • Phalotris shawnella sp. nov.

Répartition géographique

Phalotris shawnella est une espèce qui se rencontre au Paraguay, Amérique du Sud.


C. Juvenile topotype specimen, kept in captivity and which later escaped; D. Live specimen photographed at Colonia Volendam.
(A–C photographed by Jean-Paul Brouard, D photographed by Marko Fast).

Suggested hypothesis of phylogenetic relationships among species within the Phalotris nasutus group, based on a first proposal by Ferrarezzi (1993). This hypothesis shows a probable change in characters during evolution. *Note that the reduction of 1st temporals is visible in P. labiomaculatus where the 1st temporal is rather small or absent in some specimens (Hamdan et al. 2013). Base map: biomes of the world, according to Olson et al. (2001)

Statut IUCN - (RedList)

Non évalué - (voir sur IUCN)

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