Abronia zongolica

Abronia zongolica - García-Vázquez, Clause, Gutiérrez-Rodríguez, Cazares-Hernández & Torre-Loranca, 2022 - (Anguidae) - Sauriens, abronies

Abronia zongolica, new species, color variation in life (photos not to scale).
(A) Adult male holotype (MZFC-HE 35664, snout–vent length [SVL] 112 mm);
(B) adult male paratype (MZFC-HE 35665, SVL 95.8 mm);
(C) adult female paratype (MZFZ 4406, SVL 86.6 mm; image intentionally mirrored horizontally);
(D) neonate paratype (MZFZ 4407, SVL 45.6 mm).
Photos by Miguel Ángel de la Torre-Loranca and Antonio Esaú Valdenegro-Brito.


  • Abronia zongolica - García-Vázquez, Clause, Gutiérrez-Rodríguez, Cazares-Hernández & Torre-Loranca, 2022
  • Abronia zongolica - Uri Omar García-Vázquez, Adam G. Clause, Jorge Gutiérrez-Rodríguez, Erasmo Cazares-Hernández and Miguel Ángel de la Torre-Loranca, 2022
  • Abronia zongolica sp. nov.

Répartition géographique

Abronia zongolica est une espèce qui se rencontre notamment à la Sierra de Zongolica de Veracruz, Mexique.


Head comparison of adult Abronia zongolica, new species and Abronia graminea, illustrating differences in (1) circumorbital area color, (2) upper and lower jaw color pattern, and (3) presence/absence of well-developed oblique row of enlarged lateral neck scales.
Locality and voucher information for each image is as follows, listed from top-to-bottom.
Abronia zongolica : Teopantzacoalco (paratype, MZFC-HE 35665), Ayahuatulco (holotype, MZFC-HE 35664), Huapango (referred specimen, MZFZ-IMG 310), Atiopa (paratype, MZFZ 4406), Huapango (referred specimen, MZFZ-IMG 311).
 Abronia graminea : El Sumidero (MZFC-HE 32991), Puerto del Aire (MZFZ-IMG 322), Acultzinapa (MZFZ-IMG 336), Puerto del Aire (Clause et al., 2016: fig. 2), Puerto del Aire (MZFZ-IMG 338).
All photos taken within 1 month of capture. 
From top, first and third images of A. zongolica and fifth image of A. graminea intentionally mirrored horizontally. 
Photos by Miguel Ángel de la Torre-Loranca, Adam G. Clause, and Antonio Esaú Valdenegro-Brito.

Statut IUCN - (RedList)

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